Understanding Chemotherapy and It’s Side Effects
Dive into this blog to gain insights into the various side effects of chemotherapy and
Dive into this blog to gain insights into the various side effects of chemotherapy and
Cancer is a life-altering disease that affects millions of lives worldwide, making early detection and awareness crucial. Understanding the signs of cancer can save lives by facilitating timely diagnosis and treatment. This blog aims to educate you on the common warning signs, risk factors, and preventive measures you can take to reduce the risk of cancer.
While lung cancer cannot always be prevented, taking proactive measures can significantly reduce the risk: Avoid smoking: Quitting smoking at any age reduces the risk of lung cancer. Resources like support groups, counselling, and nicotine replacement therapies can aid in quitting.
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting women worldwide. With millions of cases diagnosed every year, raising awareness about this disease is crucial to improving early detection and survival rates.