Special Treatment Packages for Kids

special treatment packages for kids

Aster MIMS, Calicut, has organized a one-month-long pediatric surgery camp and special treatment packages for kids as part of their Vava’s Day Out- Season 11 celebration. The event, inaugurated by popular Malayalam child singer Mia, is a get-together of kids who have successfully undergone surgeries and treatments at the Department of Pediatric Surgery at Aster MIMS. The camp will offer free registration, consultation, and lab radiology investigation with a 20% discount on further investigations. The hospital will provide surgeries at a discounted rate as well as free surgeries for underprivileged children who require them.

The event is aimed at celebrating the successful surgeries of babies, creating awareness about pediatric surgeries and their importance, and giving children an opportunity to interact with others who have undergone similar procedures. 

Dr Abraham Mammen, Senior Consultant & HOD – Paediatric Surgery, CMS, Head – Quality Assurance Department, Aster MIMS, Dr Roshan Snehith, Pediatric Surgeon at Aster MIMS and Dr Binesh A, Senior Specialist in Pediatric Surgery at Aster MIMS leads the team of paediatricians at the surgery camp. Dr Arun Chandrasekaran was an active participant in the program. For more details about the camp and registration, interested individuals can contact 7902881010 or 9539425653.

Special Treatment Packages for kids

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